Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Challenged to use the past for good...

It's been an interesting day...

Normally I can sit down and write away on my essay's with thoughts coming and going, inspirational ones...pointless ones...rather peculiar ones...

Yet today, I managed an introduction, done some prep work amongst other things and had to leave it there..
My mind was somewhere else today...I've had the song "I will rise'' playing pretty much most of the day...and along with the kindly reminder that we aren't to dwell on the past but learn from our biggest mistakes and turn them into the biggest life changers!

Are we rising from our past...from our mistakes...from our troubles? Or as I wrongly 'thought' today, we should just leave it in the past and slot it into our forgetful part of the human mind?...

I would challenge us to look to what scripture says on this subject...

'For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.' Romans 15:4

Just as everything which was written in the past was written to teach us and through the endurance taught in the Scriptures we have hope! I believe everything which was done in the past is there to teach us so that through the endurance which was taught in the past... we have hope! 

Hope in a God who is Love
Hope in a God who is Hope
Hope in a God who is Good
Hope in a God who is Indescribable

Hope in a God who Saves

I will rise on eagles wings...before my God...fall on my knees..

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Is PC killing Youth work?...

After recently reviewing my work's Child Protection Policy and various other things, one thing that created more annoyance than security was the amount of red tape I had to snip at with nail scissors....

Have we gone PC mad? Here are a couple of examples....

'The BBC has dropped the use of the terms Before Christ (BC) and Anno Domini (AD) on one of their programmes and decided that the terms 'Before Common Era' / 'Common Era' are more appropriate'

'A UK recruiter was stunned when her job advert for 'reliable' and 'hard-working' applicants was rejected by the job centre as it could be offensive to unreliable and lazy people.'

Now...I know it's there to protect people who work with young people and children like myself, however, in some cases I really think common sense should prevail. It would be interesting to hear from other youth workers or professionals who come across this problem and your thoughts on this...

Back to more important things...

Every morning I speak out a number of truths, declarations and statements of faith over my day and life...
On Sunday I read the last one rather flippantly..It is based on Ephesians 3:20 and how God can and will do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ever imagine, and upon reflection of a challenging day for a variety of reasons, I can honestly say he did...

So I challenge you readers and myself each day to be 'brave' and ask God to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can imagine for the day ahead...

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

'What are you devoted to?'

So I've been challenged to start my blog again... It seems quite a number of people are blogging and why not go with the flow! (Don't look into that last comment too much)

Anyway, on Sunday I'll be leading a group of 14-16 year olds and asking them the question...
'What are you devoted to?' 
Maybe you can answer straight away?

This question has come about as a result of reading Mark 12:28-34 where Jesus tells us the greatest commandment is to 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind and with all of your strength.'

So, let me ask the question again...'What are you devoted to?' 

Jesus wants our hearts, the very essence of our character

Jesus wants our soul, the eternal inheritance that we are promised

Jesus wants our mind, so that He is first to mind whatever the situation

Jesus wants our strength, are we giving him everything because He gave everything...

I'm challenged..

Thursday, 25 August 2011

A lot has changed in two months!!

I do honestly feel bad for not doing my blog for over 50 days!!

Anyway, no time like the present to start again.

So since I last blogged, some rather crazy things have happened. 

1. New job 
2. Travelled to Romania
3. More great news from work
4. Travelled to Norwich
5. An essay
6. New Wine
7. Holiday Club
8. Middlesbrough have won 3 games in a row
9. New flat

So it's all change and that is one thing that I can embrace...I'm rather fond of it.

One thing has remained throughout these hard and joyful times and that is God.

He is faithful and true to His promises. 

One thing that I would encourage you to do after reading this is to find the Lord's prayer. I really feel at the moment, now don't get me wrong, there is great power in corporate response using this prayer. 

However....I would encourage you to find it, read it through, then read it standing up like you are standing in front of God Himself. 
For me it changes dramatically...
Jesus told us this is how we pray and I don't think He did it mumbling!!

So why don't you get the Lord's prayer...Matthew 6 is where it's at..and make it your own for you and God...it will change your outlook on prayer..

I promise!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Great things happen and God is on the move!

So, the Kidzone roadshow is on and it is going great!

The school's are being great and every child is enjoying our roadshow!

Our prayer for the week is that God is on the move among children and that all we can do is supply Him with the platform to act.

Anyway, on a more personal note, I'm back on crutches for the time being thanks to another footballing injury on the same ankle I broke last summer. Again, it's a testing time but I pray that I use this slower time, to reflect, to respond and to grow in my relationship with Jesus. 

I pray that this summer will be a great time for our young people and that through various things that are going on, either, begin or further their relationship with our GREAT God!

Catch you soon!

Monday, 27 June 2011


It's an interesting concept. 

It's biblical even though it's not mentioned directly in the Bible, though we can see many examples of it throughout. 

It is essential to the development of young leaders both secular and church based. 

Why do it.....why not?

Who should do it?....those passionate about walking alongside young people in their journey of faith, while praying, encouraging, listening to, freeing up, supporting and cementing that young persons faith in Jesus Christ....

Anyway, any thoughts, I'd be happy to hear on your experiences of it, good or bad? Or your views? Or generally just thoughts about it.....

Monday, 20 June 2011

Back after a great and crazy week!

What a great week, if you want to know more about what happened with the Big Prayer Experience, let me know and I'll fill you in on the details!

Anyway, I'm back with the blog, and I'm discovering more and more what it is like to be me, but also to be in the role that I am currently in.

God is good
God is faithful 
God taught us through Jesus to love one another
God taught us through Jesus to turn the other cheek
God taught us through Jesus that He is the perfect model to follow 
God is for us not against us

Have a ponder on these statements

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Pray, Prep, Hope, Pray, Prep, Hope

It's amazing how you think that you will have a busy week, yet when you start it, you suddenly realise how crazy a week it is going to be. 


God is good when I am busy.
God is good when I am stressed.
God is good when I am annoyed.
God is good when I am happy.
God is good when I am having fun.
God is .....you get the picture!

God is good. And the more we all have this mind set when doing everything in our day, the easier life will become and the more fruitful our relationship with God will be.

Have a blessed day :)

Monday, 6 June 2011

You've lost you!

It's been a while again, I'm not the best at keeping up with things like this. 

Busy day!

Anyway, a comment given to me has really resonated with me and challenged me, and after reading a quote in a book today I feel confirmed what I was thinking.

The quote was as follows...'One of my most sobering moments in relation to this issue came as I was driving a minibus full of young people home from a weekend away in the Lake District. We'd had a fantastic time together, and it was so good to hear the chatter and singing and laughter coming from the group. We'd been travelling for a little while when one of the group leant forward to talk to me. She told me that she'd just been praying for me and felt that God wanted me to know that he loved the role I played as youth pastor, and the concern that I had for the group, but he'd really like to meet Ruth again.'

Can we sometimes get caught up in our roles? When we are leaders, are we losing our identity in God?

Something to ponder....

Friday, 3 June 2011

From Unity births Community

After spending a 4 night stop over at Cliff College with a great group of young people, it was evident that with unity comes from community, no matter what the age.

When you have Jesus had the centre of what we are about, there is unity through and through. 

I cannot emphasise enough the importance of these type of residentials for young people, where community, fellowship and Jesus are at the heart of why we are there.

It was a privilege to look after and walk alongside every single one of the young people as they met with God, studied His Word and were encouraged and built up in their faith.

Anyway, after another period away from the blog, I'll be getting back into the swing of it now! 

Friday, 27 May 2011

Vision, vision, vision

Last night, we shared vision about where the youth and children's department of the church see the children and young people. 

How are we sharing God's vision with others for not only our own lives, but also of those who we have responsibility over. Now...I don't have any children of my own, I do intend to have, but the excitement that I have in looking to God for the vision of my future family. 

You know, we have a family already in the church and we need to be excited that as a church family we can be such a powerful force for change, good and vision.

Anyway, God is good, parents are excited, we are excited and that has to only bring positive things. 

Thursday, 26 May 2011

God has a sense of humour

After a great Youth Led service on Sunday night, I came away intrigued to get stuck into God's Word more.

So while reading Tom Wright's Luke for Everyone and the first chapter of Luke, I read again after many times the account of the angel of God silencing Zacariah.

And you know what, it made me laugh so much, God really does have a sense of humour. I realised that I had forgotten that although the Bible is great at teaching and challenging us. It is also an account of parts of histories every day happenings....

Anyway, it made me smile and laugh, which is another sometimes forgotten characteristic of God....


Tuesday, 24 May 2011

4 Birthday Cakes!

Wow, 4 birthday cakes yesterday. 
I wonder, we celebrate birthdays every year, this one day is all about us, people cut the cake for you, they give you gifts and throw parties. 

But in Luke 9:23, Jesus tells us that whoever wants to follow Him, must take up their cross daily. But do we give Jesus the equivalent of 4 birthdays cakes every day? Do we put as much effort into our relationship with Jesus every day as we do into throwing parties? Or do we serve Jesus as much as we serve those who's birthday it is?

It was a challenging birthday yesterday, but a great one!

Monday, 23 May 2011

Is the light switched on or off?

After a very interesting week, it came to 7:04pm last night and something happened that I have started getting into the habit of. I was just about to get up and preach what I felt God was putting on my heart, however, after organising, thinking and planning the service, my mind was all over the shot. 

So I simply said, God could I have a little bit of peace please? 

Well....that was it, I felt my mind clear, my thoughts focused and my anxiety at peace. 

I spoke on Whether we really are Christians? And that we must be born again of the Spirit of God to be fully in a relationship with Jesus. Then I moved on to how once we acknowledge where we are in the process, either, never switched the light on before, or switched it on but would rather be in darkness, or actually we need to humility and strength to say I'm struggling here but I'm standing with Jesus the light. Although he may show me as messy and all the mess in my life, I'm doing what he want's standing next to the light!


Thursday, 19 May 2011

What do you really think about Christianity?

So, I've started reading a book called 'unChristian'. Absolutely brilliant book where researchers have spent three years researching people's views are about Christianity. However, the majority of those who have been asked are people who do not attend church or have little connection with the Christian faith, and they are all aged under 29. 

Now, the book is about Christianity in America, however, the basic elements and the amount that I have already likened to the UK is unreal!

The research has looked over many things, from how we 'label' people who don't go to church, to the reasons why so many people are staying well clear of the church. 

Now I'm not going to give you a book review, however, after beginning to read this book, I feel frustrated, let down and annoyed. However, I also feel challenged, motivated and fired up to help change the perception of Jesus around, not religion, but the Name and Actions of Jesus! 

Have a read, it's well worth it.....if your up for some touch reflection on your own faith and of those around you..

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Back into the swing...Isaiah 64:8

After been out of the office for a week and then catching up and planning and...well it doesn't really matter, what does matter is that out of my last teaching week I have changed my outlook on several things dramatically.

There are too many to probably talk about however, I went into the week feeling like I was going to learn when to go to lunch and how to count my hours and be told that I should be open to change. Yet God removed that ignorance from me and moved in a way in my life that I was just like 'ahhh I've been an ignorant git, Jesus just mould me and rebuild be this week into who you want me to be'.

Anyway, again, I have come away a more reflective person, who is asking why more and more and really seeking God in more and more. 

I would encourage you if you read this that if you have the wall of, well God will do this, this and that and I will respond with this, this and that; then I would say to you to ask God that he would remove that mould you like a potter and clay. 

Anyway, I'm out of the loop with this, hence why it's waffle and not really making sense...

Monday, 9 May 2011

There is a hole in my shoe

Your walking along and all of a sudden you feel a stone in your shoe.

How did it get there? There is a hole...there is the answer.

So today I have a significant hole in my shoe and it is right on the seam, so every time I change gear in my car, the whole is there. When I bend my foot, it is there, the hole isn't just a hole, the whole shoe is flawed. 

Anyway, what am I going on about, a shoe!?

Well, when we have a hole in our lives, in our spiritual lives or general everyday lives, what can fill it if it cuts directly on the seam? 

We should be constantly allowing God to not only build us up and encourage us, but when there is a problem, is there first thing you do when a hole appears is to try and fix it yourself? 

Rather instead, we should be filling ourselves with God and His Holy Spirit, otherwise the seams will destroy the whole shoe = Us!!

Friday, 6 May 2011

Would God say Yes or No to AV....or does it really matter?

My view, not God's because you cannot decide the nature of God. 

So in the end, I can only vote as a Christian in the hope that in some way, Christian values will be shown throughout the country.

I must admit, I'm not a boffin on the subject and would welcome your opinion on this....

Have a blessed day

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Facebook is bad....Discuss

So after the last couple of days and the increase of 400% in my blog's views I have decided one thing. 

Challenging thoughts are the way to go!

Anyway, so my observation from yesterday is one of curiosity. I was at a boxercise class (I know, me exercise, where did that come from?) and basically you do it in pairs. Well you can do it on your own but it's more difficult and less practical. So, I was on my own, and there was another person there, and I basically said, look, I'm on my own, so are you, lets not make this any more difficult. 

Well, the value of going round with someone was great and helped in the class, but that's not my point. My point is this, and you can agree or disagree with me.

We have lost the value of face to face conversation. Now I am not saying social networking is wrong and it has no value, but focussing on a relationship level of communication and discussion. Social networking has destroyed the value of face to face or even a phone call. The concept of feeling more comfortable in your own home, behind a screen and either, building up a friendship, arguing, discussing or even trying to get hitched is in my opinion ruining the basic idea of human emotion and discussion that we are made to have through communicating

The person yesterday at my class on the way round the various exercises was intrigued as to how I had just walked up to them and struck up a conversation and that it was refreshing to see someone not care what other people think and just open up a dialogue.

So there you go....I would welcome your opinions because I do believe that this big generation from older children all the way up to pensioners of discussing every aspect on our lives on a screen is destroying part of what God had designed for us. He didn't create us in our image to look at a 15 inch LCD HD screen.....

P.S - Before you comment saying that I am using the internet and social networking to post this and write this. The idea of my blog is to share my daily reflections of life, faith, work and deed with whoever may choose to read whether i have 0 hits or 10,000 hits. I will still post my blog.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

'Forgiveness is free'...True or False?

After my blog yesterday and the increase in views, most likely because it was slightly more controversial I've decided to continue on a similar note...

Anyway, after reading the comments made and reflecting on other people's opinion, it was interesting to see such a wide spread of views on one man. 

Yet I wonder....was there such a wide spread of views when Jesus was killed, a man who did no wrong yet paid a great price for us. I wonder if I posted yesterdays post with a different explanation and background into my personal viewpoint about Jesus, would it get the same response. 

Anyway....The title I've put is to really follow up and conclude from yesterdays post and ask, from any view point, religious or not, is forgiveness free?

From a variety of angles....

Is it free from someone like me who really just has an opinion on the subject and no direct connection?

Is it free from a relative of someone murdered in terror attacks within the last 10 years?

Is it free from the person who killed Osama Bin Laden?

I'll tell you who it is free from, the one person who suffered far greater than Osama Bin Laden or any other....

 Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

I can't help think...

So, Osama Bin Laden is dead. When I saw the news on my phone, I rushed out of bed and put the TV on. 

Was it really true? This man who had eluded the best intelligence officers in the world for 10 years had finally been caught out. 

When September 11th took place. I remember it vividly, I was watching my little brothers swimming lesson and it was on the TV and I remember rushing backwards and forwards telling my Mum who was watching the little brother swim, what was going on. Ever since then, I've had a keen interest in the situation surrounding that day, Osama Bin Laden and what this man was all about. 

And when I turned on the TV the first thing I see, is people celebrating the death of this man. Now, I am not saying what he planned and carried out was not horrific, wrong and mass murder. However, he was created by God, he was loved by God and God sent His son down to die for everybody, including Osama Bin Laden. So if you do read this, whether from a non-Christian view point, a Christian view point, or of any other faith. I would say this to you,

That man was born and had a mother and a father who would have loved him.

He had brothers and sisters,

And he was a child of God who went down the path leading away from Jesus like many people do, that led to sin, death and many other things.....

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Good combination

1. An almighty powerful God
2. A servant hearted leader
3. Past history of God providing and leading
4. An army of followers
5. A land flowing with milk and honey

What a great combination for Joshua to know and to God to look down on and see from Heaven. But I ask myself this question, the 5 points above aren't just for the Book of Joshua back how ever many thousand of years ago. No these 5 points can apply today! Right now!

God is never changing and therefore is still almighty and powerful, we have many servant hearted leaders. Just look at the testimonies of just this year of what the Lord has done. Then look around you in the body of Christ and see an army of followers. And then look further around you to see the beautiful earth God has created. 

So why not today as I challenge myself, look to God and say, lets get marching!!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Getting stuck in!

The word of God is great!

Well....there are probably thousands more words to say how great the Bible is but great is for today.

Catching up with my Bible readings from the past 2 and a bit weeks was fascinating. I caught up on all the Old Testament readings from basically all of Deuteronomy and the beginning of Joshua. 

Basically, it shows how great those two men of God are, and how if I apply what I read from the Word to my life, God will use many others like that. The challenge of course is living this out. 

So therefore myself included, to be like those great leaders, is to be in a constant relationship with God and constantly communicating with God to know His will and direction. 

Come on Jesus!!!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

I know that already!!

The Gospel.... do we know the story? You might say yes...

So then.....I've been challenged to think, actually, am I looking at just the gospel or the why's and what's of the gospel as well.

Why don't I get drunk? ....'Because I'm a Christian' ...that doesn't really help anybody but inform people.

But rather, I don't get drunk because I take pleasure in socialising with people on a personal level where conversation and humour are found.

Why don't I swear?.... 'Because I'm a Christian'....

But rather, I don't use bad language because I want to be someone who builds up and encourages people with my words and therefore swearing isn't going to achieve that.

Do you see my point?....I've been firmly challenged by God about this and the reasoning behind why I do the things Jesus taught me. Not because I'm a Christian, yes I am, but because I want to have a life that is full of all God's fullness and richness which can show people that a life with God is an opportunity not to be missed. 

Anyway....hope that makes you ponder....

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Back to reality or so I think!

Big Easter Blessing is over....

However, the work does not stop, and we pray as a team that we carry on with the passion, determination and drive that got us through the week.

You know we should really try not to have mountain peaks, but we should have like a peak and then it stays there, and then we climb higher, and then cement that place and so on...

I think if we do that then the only result is that God will be glorified and people of all ages young and old will come to know Him! 

Which will be pretty darn good!

Anyway, I'm back blogging and enjoying being back!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

About time I wrote this on here!

I haven't typed out a prayer since re-starting blogging so I think, on the day this week when I probably need it the most.

Father, thank you for what you have done so far, thank you for what you will do today, and thank you for what you will do the rest of this week. I pray that you would build up and encourage the team today, that we might reflect a body of Christ which shows something extraordinary in ordinary people. 


Well, I have a hall to set up for tonight, so catch you all soon!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

God is GOOD!

First day yesterday and it was great! God blessed us just at the right time with the right weather, because God is in the business of miracles!

More prayer points for the week ahead:

That God would use the team to build relationships with the young people where we can impart Jesus into their lives.

For good weather

For tomorrow night where we will look to get as many young people to NLBC as possible and enjoy a great party night!!

That amongst all of the activities etc, that God will be glorified and young people would come to know Him.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

I really don't have time to be doing this

Basically, we have seen God do great things already and the week has just kicked off!

We are praying in faith for God to powerfully move and believe he will. Jesus died so we can share the Good News and for us to have this opportunity to be here today, so lets seize the opportunity and offer a gift like no over!

Catch you in a couple of days when I have more than 60 seconds to do this! 

God bless

Thursday, 7 April 2011

There isn't any more counting.....It's here!!

I've given up counting down the days. 
It feels like the Big Easter Blessing is here, mobile unit yesterday, more egg dropping.

I have realised that I love egg dropping and giving out leaflets, to give people an opportunity to come to an event where the name of Jesus is the priority is great! It's a privilege! 

So yeah, the week is here, and Jesus is moving, he never stops to be honest!

I have one question for you all to ponder if you come to church, if you don't attend church, then the second question is for you!

Firstly, asked by a friend in church a week or two ago, what are we at church for?

Secondly, what is stopping you from coming to church?

Have a great week! I know I will!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Found the joy this morning

This morning, I realised during an assembly where I was telling 200 young people the real reason of Easter, I suddenly realised I have the best job in the world!!

Telling young people about Jesus and offering the opportunity to explore more, what more could you want! 

Anyway, bad times today, I called my boss Dad! Couldn't believe it, I don't think he could either...

Right, got to go! This week really is crazy!! 

Monday, 4 April 2011

Today, and the next 2 weeks, could be the greatest few weeks of our lives!

Big Easter Blessing! That's all I can say! 

It's the last week before, and we better get cracking! Prayer would be appreciated for the whole team and the work we will be doing!

For divine time, to fit everything in this week as we egg drop, prepare for the Cliff Team coming, prepare for the events we are putting on!

God is going to move crazy style these next two weeks as we partake in His mission, so I would encourage you to get involved, from praying for us, to coming down to all the events at Bullamoor. 

God is on the move, can you keep up?!

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Do what I do...

So the last two days I've been telling young people in assemblies about role models and how positive one's can be of great influence.

David Beckham came out top in a pole as the best role model for young people and children, well to be honest, he is a professional sports man and is highly respected for his work ethic.

I used a biblical role model of Joseph to explain that it is about the right attitude in every situation. That even though Joseph had some intense bad stuff thrown his way, he relied on God and he excelled in everything through his positive behaviour.

So my question today, who is your role model?

Or reverse the question, are you a role model for others, and if you are, is your behaviour worth being emulated? 

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Last Kick of the Game!!

So we played football last night and we scored a penalty with the last kick of the game!

I'll be honest, we didn't play well and didn't really deserve the 2-1 victory, however, what happened to the referee after awarding a free kick was not a comfortable scenario. 

The colourful verbal bombardment the referee suffered was unacceptable and I really felt uncomfortable around such a situation.

You know, I wonder how God feels every time someone uses His name in vain?
It has certainly made me think of the value of Jesus' name and how people around me use it.

So I would challenge people and myself to really think about not only the effects of using the Lord name in vain spiritually, but also how it makes other people feel around you...

Friday, 25 March 2011

Your done and I don't want to see you again!!

I'll cut to the chase, the title is about my essay that I'm sending today!

6298 words of pure knowledge I'll have you all know!

I've really learnt the art of pre-planning with all these essays and I think it has paid off! 
God has been faithful in guiding me through each one and also the wise words of work colleagues has been extremely helpful.

Anyway, so yesterday, was a Big day for me, I can't really explain how, but something clicked and as I said yesterday, I'm now chasing after God and really seeking what he wants from me. 

I thank God for what he's doing right now in Northallerton and to be honest, the next 2 months are going to be a blur after, but when I'm in the thick of it. 

It will be the best of my life!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

One minute!!

That's what I'd like!!

Life is busy busy busy, but really good busy!

God is really kicking this Big Easter Blessing off and it gets nearer by the day. That's probably because another 24 hours passes each day, but anyway....

Yesterday I did have a minute, and while sitting with 2 oranges and a pear, I decided to take a picture. Now... I'm not your oooo look at that isn't that pretty person, however, when taking in God's creation, I love it! And that picture is what I see every evening!

Moon, stars, sun, etc is great!

Anyway, today, I really felt God say, not in a patronising way, but as he always does with me in a funny way. He told me basically, life is going to be tough, so get cracking and catch me if you can!

So in that case, I better start chasing him!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

I am officially rubbish at.....

Self discipline!!!

It frustrates me so much! So yesterday I went for a run, and it wasn't difficult, one hill, that was it, 3.5 miles. But I struggled so much doing the run was easy!

Then the obvious hit me, because I haven't ran the same run in over 3 weeks, of course I'm going to struggle. So yes, it is one of the fruits of the spirit that Paul speaks of, Self Control. So I really should practice it more and more. 

On another note, I thank God for the sunshine at the moment! I can't say how much it improves my mood, not that I'm a moody person, I'm quite a happy person, but to wake up to sunshine and to drive home watching the sun set.

It's rather nice of the Lord to bless us with this part of his creation this week.

 Anyway, better get cracking with things!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

That was close!

Yesterday, I was walking in the sun, which was nice for a change...

Just about to walk across a zebra crossing when on the other side, a boy stepped out and was millimetres away from being hit. 

And I thought, oh, I can put that in my blog, (this is how I think now when something significant comes across me during my day).

I just thought, how quickly something can happen in our lives, and that God has the plan, a plan that includes close shaves like yesterday for that boy. 

God speaks through Jeremiah in the Old Testament about His plan for our lives...

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

So be encouraged as I am today, that God has a plan for me, and for you. It will not be a plan to harm you, but a plan to be in relationship with Him, a plan that will bring you happiness and a plan that will ultimately bring you to a life with God at the centre!

By the way, I don't believe in what the picture says with the cars but it made me laugh!

Monday, 21 March 2011

Put your hand up if you love music!

How often has music played a significant part in your life?

A tune of a song has calmed you

A lyric of a song has spoken direct to your need

The hysteria of a concert has fulfilled your every need

Music is like that...I'm reading a book at the moment about the iPod and how people have come up with a rather ridiculous theory that when put on shuffle, your iPod knows which songs to play depending on what mood your in...

Make what you want of it, but I'm not convinced...

Music for me defines my character, my background, my personality...

It's just great....