Thursday 28 April 2011

Good combination

1. An almighty powerful God
2. A servant hearted leader
3. Past history of God providing and leading
4. An army of followers
5. A land flowing with milk and honey

What a great combination for Joshua to know and to God to look down on and see from Heaven. But I ask myself this question, the 5 points above aren't just for the Book of Joshua back how ever many thousand of years ago. No these 5 points can apply today! Right now!

God is never changing and therefore is still almighty and powerful, we have many servant hearted leaders. Just look at the testimonies of just this year of what the Lord has done. Then look around you in the body of Christ and see an army of followers. And then look further around you to see the beautiful earth God has created. 

So why not today as I challenge myself, look to God and say, lets get marching!!

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Getting stuck in!

The word of God is great!

Well....there are probably thousands more words to say how great the Bible is but great is for today.

Catching up with my Bible readings from the past 2 and a bit weeks was fascinating. I caught up on all the Old Testament readings from basically all of Deuteronomy and the beginning of Joshua. 

Basically, it shows how great those two men of God are, and how if I apply what I read from the Word to my life, God will use many others like that. The challenge of course is living this out. 

So therefore myself included, to be like those great leaders, is to be in a constant relationship with God and constantly communicating with God to know His will and direction. 

Come on Jesus!!!

Tuesday 26 April 2011

I know that already!!

The Gospel.... do we know the story? You might say yes...

So then.....I've been challenged to think, actually, am I looking at just the gospel or the why's and what's of the gospel as well.

Why don't I get drunk? ....'Because I'm a Christian' ...that doesn't really help anybody but inform people.

But rather, I don't get drunk because I take pleasure in socialising with people on a personal level where conversation and humour are found.

Why don't I swear?.... 'Because I'm a Christian'....

But rather, I don't use bad language because I want to be someone who builds up and encourages people with my words and therefore swearing isn't going to achieve that.

Do you see my point?....I've been firmly challenged by God about this and the reasoning behind why I do the things Jesus taught me. Not because I'm a Christian, yes I am, but because I want to have a life that is full of all God's fullness and richness which can show people that a life with God is an opportunity not to be missed. 

Anyway....hope that makes you ponder....

Thursday 21 April 2011

Back to reality or so I think!

Big Easter Blessing is over....

However, the work does not stop, and we pray as a team that we carry on with the passion, determination and drive that got us through the week.

You know we should really try not to have mountain peaks, but we should have like a peak and then it stays there, and then we climb higher, and then cement that place and so on...

I think if we do that then the only result is that God will be glorified and people of all ages young and old will come to know Him! 

Which will be pretty darn good!

Anyway, I'm back blogging and enjoying being back!

Wednesday 13 April 2011

About time I wrote this on here!

I haven't typed out a prayer since re-starting blogging so I think, on the day this week when I probably need it the most.

Father, thank you for what you have done so far, thank you for what you will do today, and thank you for what you will do the rest of this week. I pray that you would build up and encourage the team today, that we might reflect a body of Christ which shows something extraordinary in ordinary people. 


Well, I have a hall to set up for tonight, so catch you all soon!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

God is GOOD!

First day yesterday and it was great! God blessed us just at the right time with the right weather, because God is in the business of miracles!

More prayer points for the week ahead:

That God would use the team to build relationships with the young people where we can impart Jesus into their lives.

For good weather

For tomorrow night where we will look to get as many young people to NLBC as possible and enjoy a great party night!!

That amongst all of the activities etc, that God will be glorified and young people would come to know Him.

Sunday 10 April 2011

I really don't have time to be doing this

Basically, we have seen God do great things already and the week has just kicked off!

We are praying in faith for God to powerfully move and believe he will. Jesus died so we can share the Good News and for us to have this opportunity to be here today, so lets seize the opportunity and offer a gift like no over!

Catch you in a couple of days when I have more than 60 seconds to do this! 

God bless

Thursday 7 April 2011

There isn't any more counting.....It's here!!

I've given up counting down the days. 
It feels like the Big Easter Blessing is here, mobile unit yesterday, more egg dropping.

I have realised that I love egg dropping and giving out leaflets, to give people an opportunity to come to an event where the name of Jesus is the priority is great! It's a privilege! 

So yeah, the week is here, and Jesus is moving, he never stops to be honest!

I have one question for you all to ponder if you come to church, if you don't attend church, then the second question is for you!

Firstly, asked by a friend in church a week or two ago, what are we at church for?

Secondly, what is stopping you from coming to church?

Have a great week! I know I will!

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Found the joy this morning

This morning, I realised during an assembly where I was telling 200 young people the real reason of Easter, I suddenly realised I have the best job in the world!!

Telling young people about Jesus and offering the opportunity to explore more, what more could you want! 

Anyway, bad times today, I called my boss Dad! Couldn't believe it, I don't think he could either...

Right, got to go! This week really is crazy!! 

Monday 4 April 2011

Today, and the next 2 weeks, could be the greatest few weeks of our lives!

Big Easter Blessing! That's all I can say! 

It's the last week before, and we better get cracking! Prayer would be appreciated for the whole team and the work we will be doing!

For divine time, to fit everything in this week as we egg drop, prepare for the Cliff Team coming, prepare for the events we are putting on!

God is going to move crazy style these next two weeks as we partake in His mission, so I would encourage you to get involved, from praying for us, to coming down to all the events at Bullamoor. 

God is on the move, can you keep up?!